Saturday, April 12, 2014

Top 10 Cool Hidden Google Tricks And Secrets You Never Knew

As we all know Google is a search giant which is getting smarter on every single day to provide the more refined search results. We all know the power of Google through its spam protection, user experience enhancements and many more. But most of does not realize this serious search engine can play pranks on its users to amuse them. Here I have compiled some very interesting Google hidden tricks and secrets that are still active today. Happy Googling!

Google Tricks 10 : Tilt
Type “tilt” in the search box. Your entire screen will be slightly turn into right.

Google Tricks 9 : Google Hacker
Type ” Google Hacker” and hit enter.  Boom! Hereafter Google will return its results in the so called hackers language.
google hidden tricks

Google Tricks 8 : Elgoog
Type “Elgoog” in search box. To answer you in the same way, Google will return with the Google mirror.
google hidden secrets

Google Tricks 7 : Zerg Rush
Type “Zerg Rush” in Google search box.  What happens? Does small O’s destroy your search results? It’s an Easter egg game enabled by Google on 2012. Click on those eggs quickly and save your results.
google hidden tricks

Google Tricks 6 : Anagram
Type “anagram” in Google Search Box. It suggests an anagram of “anagram”. It’s a Brilliant Idea! Isn’t it?
hidden google tricks

Google Tricks 5 : Bacon No
Type ” Angelina Joile Bacon Number” in Google search box. What it returns? Is it 2?  What it mean is,Angelina Jolie and Kevin Bacon are in 2 degrees of separation. It’s a delight to all “Six Degrees Of Kevin Bacon” trivia game lovers.
hidden google tricks

Google Tricks 4 : Custom Street View
This one is one of the very useful and amazing Google secrets .Type ” Singapore” or any other term in the search box of Google maps. Drag and drop pegman into the map. He will take you through Google’s new street view imagery. You can see him on the top of Google maps zoom controls who can be customized to one of your favorite characters.
google secrets

Google Tricks 3 : Do A Barrel Roll
Type the term ” Do A Barrel Roll” in Google search box. Hang on. Before hitting enter, guess what Google will suppose to return you. Is it a YouTube video that explains how to do a barrel roll or  standard information loaded pages? Hit enter now and see what happens. It’s a really Cool Google secret guys!
google hidden secrets

Google Tricks 2: Google In 1998
Type the term “Google in 1998″. Hit enter. What you see? Completely different version of Google? This is how our search giant was appeared in 1998.
google secrets

Google Tricks 1 : Aatari Breakout
Type “aatari breakout” in Google search. Since i already mentioned it  as one of the Google secrets, definitely this search is not going to return the regular search result page loaded with information pertaining to aatari breakout. Instead, it will take you to the screen where you can play a classic game. Interesting. Huh?
google hidden tricks


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