Saturday, April 12, 2014

How To Find IP Address In Windows 7 and 8, XP, Vista

All the computers connected with the public network have at least a single IP address to differentiate it from the rest of the other computers in the world. If you know about your IP address it will give you so many advantages. One major benefit is, if you own a website, you will be able to find out the number of hits by deducting the hits that came from your IP. Through this way you can know the real unique views for your particular websites. Finding out the Computer IP address is one of the easiest processes.
This Post will help you to find the IP address for both Windows and Mac operating systems.

Learn How To Find IP Address In Windows 7 and 8, XP, Vista
  1. Hit the start menu
  2. Now hit on run. In this run dialog box type CMD either in caps or small letter.
  3. Now you will get a DOS prompt which is also known as Command prompt
  4. Now in this command prompt type “IPCONFIG”. Hit enter
  5. This screen will get you back with some information about your computer IP. Now type
IPCONFIG /ALL instead of IPCONFIG as above.
IPCONFIG will not give you the WAN Side IP address. IT will give you only the actual local IP address. This /ALL will give you many additional details apart from you IP address. This step will be very useful one in case you are using either a network set up or router setup. SO through this /ALL you will be getting the WAN side IP addresses which is assigned by your ISP.

Finding your IP on Mac
This is applicable for both OS X 10.5 / 10.6
 1. Select Apple à System Preferences
2. In the opened System Preferences dialog box, Click on View. Now à & select the Network.
3. Now in this Network preference window, select and click on the network port. It may be either Airport, modem. Now look under the “Status:” Here you can find your IP address (In case you are connected with the public internet).
OS X 10.3 / 10.4
1. Hit on the apple menu select Apple àSelect Location
2. Now you need to choose the select Network Preferences.
3. In the opened Network Preference window, select the Network Status (you can see next to “Show :”). Now you can see IP address of your Mac and network status.


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